Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Importance Of Heroism - 854 Words
SUPERMAN AWAAAAAAAAY!†Yes, let us ditch the superhero charade and talk about the real world heroes. When people usually think of heroes they think of Superman or Spiderman or whomever. But not many people stop and think about the real heroes in the real world, such as policeman, firefighters, doctors etc. Heroism is a lot more than some ink on a comic book page. It is the reward of being, helping, or becoming a hero. Heroes get to inspire the next generation to take their place. Heroism involves inspiring because heroes need the courage to face a challenge and to overcome that challenge without being cowardly. Heroism is supposed to inspire other people to take a heros place because they can not do that on their own. In the poem,†¦show more content†¦And where my arm had been torn away. A wing grew†(Cassian). It took courage in order to go from being half of what he once was to becoming whole again. This man managed to accomplish this by staying determined and forward thinking. It takes courage in order to go against the norm. The norm is that most other people that lose a limb give up. This man decided that the norm was not for him so he vowed to work twice as hard to accomplish his goal. In the beginning of the poem the man was pessimistic and depressed, but towards the end, he finds the strength and courage that he needs to press on with the daily demands of life. If that is not an example of courage then I do not know what is. A hero does not cower in the face of danger or even death. They face their fears in order to get what needs to be done, completed. In the excerpt, The Definition of a Gentleman, the author describes what a gentleman can and cannot do. When the author starts saying that gentleman cannot make other people feel inferior it says, â€Å"He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments, or insinuates evil which he dare not say out†(Newman). Cowards make other people feel inferior, they take unfair advantage, and they start disputes. A gentleman or a hero, in this case, will not do any cowardly acts. Heroes give people hope and they helpShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Heroism941 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Heroes are everyday, common people. Most of what they do goes unheralded, unappreciated. And that, ironically, is heroism: not to be recognized†(Oliver Stone pg. 73). Heroism doesnâ€⠄¢t offer recognition or rewards, in fact, most heroes go unnoticed by the public. People are heroes because they care about problems that might not affect them, but may affect other people in a harmful way. Heroes can be afraid, but over time they have to overcome their fears and achieve what they are shooting for. TheyRead MoreThe Importance Of Heroism1043 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. 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