Thursday, January 30, 2020
Modern technology today Essay Example for Free
Modern technology today Essay With the advent of more modern technology today, and the expansion of corporate markets, commercial transactions between industries grow by the day. As commerce, in its basic sense, pertains to the trading of something of economic value, be it goods or services, information, and most of all, money, it is required of an individual to know how to analyze the economic systems that guide every transaction and endeavor related to commerce. As an empowered individual, my enthusiasm and desire for learning the commerce of man is very strong, at the same time I possess the capability to initiate ideas and activities that help in conceptualizing products or services that may be â€Å"traded†for value. To further learn the intricacies of the field of commerce, I have decided to take up the Bachelor of Commerce program. I believe I will be successful in this field. When assessing basic market financial records in newspapers, I easily comprehend economic trends that I often imagine myself as a good financial analyst. Coupled with the fact that I have enough experience in dealing with different kinds of people in economic terms, I know that ill be successful in this field. The rise and fall of economies in every country influence events globally. I was intrigued with this issue that this pushed me to exert effort in realizing my dream of taking up Commerce as a course. At the micro-level, I am attentive in class, like to recite and debate on issues relating to economics and commerce. The pursuit of education is to be encouraged to better understand the world around us and to contribute to its development. In my own opinion, I can serve this purpose by learning things related to commerce, and with the qualities I possess, I can provide additional knowledge to the study of commerce.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Smallpox :: essays research papers
The Scourge of the World Nestled deep in the bowels of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, locked away in a blue and silver freezer lays what remains of humankind’s deadliest enemy. Neatly tucked away in a virology institute in Siberia, guarded twenty-four hours a day, lays it’s counterpart. No, not a man made weapon of mass destruction; just a natural born killer of man. This insatiable killer is known in the scientific community as the Variola Virus. To the layperson, it is called, smallpox. The smallpox virus first presented itself between three thousand and twelve thousand years ago, possibly in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs (Preston44). There are two types of Variola virus, Variola Major and Variola Minor. Variola Minor is a mutated form of the Variola Major. Variola Minor was first discovered in Jamaica in 1863. Variola Minor is not the strain responsible for millions of deaths: only one percent of the people who contract Variola Minor die from the virus (Preston45). The classic virus, Variola Major is responsible for one in three deaths among the people who contract this form. The Variola virus has had more victims than any other infectious disease including the Black Death, in the Middle Ages (Preston44). Although â€Å"smallpox†was officially declared eradicated, by the World Health Organization, it is still a topic of great concern and controversy to many scientist and governments, and the virus is coveted by many terrorist organizations. The virus spreads through droplet infection, such as sneezing, or through contact with the dried scabs of a victim, or even their clothing. Patients infected with smallpox will often begin to show symptoms within nine to twelve days after exposure. The symptoms present themselves in an almost â€Å"flu†like state. Beginning with a high fever, back aches, chills, and headaches. The next stage of the disease produces a rash on the face, arms, legs, chest and back. In a few days, the rash turns to a blister-like pustule. In the following days, the virus attacks the eyes, lungs, throat, heart, and liver, which lead the patients’ to a painful death. If the infected person is lucky enough to live, through the disease, the victim is left scarred and permanently disfigured. Smallpox has been around for centuries, and spreads with alarming ease. The Spanish brought the disease to Mexico in the 1500’s where nearly three million Indians were infected and died (Buran). Smallpox :: essays research papers The Scourge of the World Nestled deep in the bowels of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, locked away in a blue and silver freezer lays what remains of humankind’s deadliest enemy. Neatly tucked away in a virology institute in Siberia, guarded twenty-four hours a day, lays it’s counterpart. No, not a man made weapon of mass destruction; just a natural born killer of man. This insatiable killer is known in the scientific community as the Variola Virus. To the layperson, it is called, smallpox. The smallpox virus first presented itself between three thousand and twelve thousand years ago, possibly in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs (Preston44). There are two types of Variola virus, Variola Major and Variola Minor. Variola Minor is a mutated form of the Variola Major. Variola Minor was first discovered in Jamaica in 1863. Variola Minor is not the strain responsible for millions of deaths: only one percent of the people who contract Variola Minor die from the virus (Preston45). The classic virus, Variola Major is responsible for one in three deaths among the people who contract this form. The Variola virus has had more victims than any other infectious disease including the Black Death, in the Middle Ages (Preston44). Although â€Å"smallpox†was officially declared eradicated, by the World Health Organization, it is still a topic of great concern and controversy to many scientist and governments, and the virus is coveted by many terrorist organizations. The virus spreads through droplet infection, such as sneezing, or through contact with the dried scabs of a victim, or even their clothing. Patients infected with smallpox will often begin to show symptoms within nine to twelve days after exposure. The symptoms present themselves in an almost â€Å"flu†like state. Beginning with a high fever, back aches, chills, and headaches. The next stage of the disease produces a rash on the face, arms, legs, chest and back. In a few days, the rash turns to a blister-like pustule. In the following days, the virus attacks the eyes, lungs, throat, heart, and liver, which lead the patients’ to a painful death. If the infected person is lucky enough to live, through the disease, the victim is left scarred and permanently disfigured. Smallpox has been around for centuries, and spreads with alarming ease. The Spanish brought the disease to Mexico in the 1500’s where nearly three million Indians were infected and died (Buran).
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Essay
The enterprise resource planning system attempts to integrate or integrates all the data and also processes of an organization into a system that is unified. A typical system of the enterprise resource planning uses the multiple components of the computer hardware and software so as to achieve the integration. The key ingredient of most of the systems in enterprise resource planning is the usage of a unified database in storing the data for various system modules. Comparison between customer relationship management and supply chain management Similarities Both customer relationship management and the supply chain management are examples of modules in the enterprise resource planning system which formally would have been stand alone applications. (Monk and Wagner2006) Differences The data that is contained in the supply chain management software includes; inventory, commission circulation, order entry, claim processing, purchasing, inspection of goods, product configurator, supplies scheduling and the supply chain planning. On the other hand the data that is contained in the customer relationship management software includes; sales and marketing, call center support, customer contact service as well as commissions. On the other hand the supply chain management is a process of planning, implementing and controlling all the operations of the supply chain with a lot of efficiency. While the customer relationship management covers the concepts which are used by various companies in managing their relationships with the customers and they also include capturing, storing, analyzing the customers, vending, partnering and also information on the internal processes. The operational functions of the customer relationship management involve providing support to the front office business processes which include service and sales and marketing. The operational functions of the supply chain management includes activities such as; the daily production and distribution planning, sourcing planning, inbound operations, production operations and also order promising. (Monk and Wagner2006) The supply chain addresses problems on the distribution network configuration, the distribution strategies, information, inventory management as well as the cash flow. On the other hand the customer relationship management addresses the issues marketing sales and service. The customer relationship management has the capability of executing all the three sub modules through the multiple communication channels and the data that is gathered by the CRM considers the privacy of the customer as well as the security of the data. On the other hand the supply chain management components are the third elements of the four square circulation frameworks. Differences between financial accounting and managerial accounting Type of information and confidentiality Financial accounting mainly concentrates on the production of the financial reports which includes profitability, the basic reporting requirements, stability, solvency and liquidity. The reports of this nature can easily be accessible by the external and the internal users. On the other hand management accounting is a branch of accounting which deals with primarily very confidential financial reports for the restricted use of the organizations top management. (Monk and Wagner2006)  Whereas the financial accountants follow the GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) that have been set by professional bodies in each country, the managerial accountants make use of the processes and also procedures that are not regulated by the standard setting bodies. On the other hand the multinational companies prefer employing the managerial accountants who have passed the certification in CMA. The certified management accountant (CMA) is an examination that is given by the institute of management accountant which is a professional organization for the accounting professionals. (Monk and Wagner2006)However the certification is very different and also unique from the chartered accountant certificate or CPA. Time period The managerial accounting provides the top management with reports which are future based while on the other hand the financial accounting provides reports that are based on the historical information. However even though the management accountants base their reports on the historical values they also employ the statistical methods so as to arrive at the future values. In both the financial and managerial accounting the enterprise resource planning systems benefits the workers in various ways. (Monk and Wagner2006) Information on the payroll of the sales people This information will be very useful in the management o the sales team in the Snackers sales department. This is because the manager will be able to know the consistency of each sales persons pay in relation to their performance. On the other hand such information will help the manager to pay the sales people according to the defined contract which could be inform of incentives, commission or a basic salary. (Monk and Wagner2006) Information on training of the sales people This information will be helpful in the management of the sales people since it will help in identifying the extent to which the sales people have been trained and also how far hey have been able to go with their training. This information is also useful since it helps in showing what the sales people have not been trained in and the consistency in their training. Such information will also be useful in the identification of the refresher courses on the sales people since such training is very important to the company sales and marketing strategies. (Monk and Wagner, 2006) Information on time and attendance of the sales people This information will help the management identify the employee’s trends in reporting and attending to their official duties. It will also help in identifying the employees who are consistent in their attendance and those who are not. Such information would be very useful especially when promoting the employees , increasing their responsibilities, giving them incentives, taking any disciplinary actions and also in retrenchments and transfers. Information on the benefits of the sales people This information would be helpful to the management since it will give the basis of the benefits of the employees. Such information would help the company’s management to award the sales people with their correct benefits and incentives which they are entitled to during or after their term of service.
Monday, January 6, 2020
A Determined Activist Rosa Parks - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1045 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/03/27 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Rosa Parks Essay Did you like this example? December 1955, it was a cold rainy Thursday evening in Montgomery Alabama. Rosa Parks walks through the dark city streets toward the bus stop. Little did she know that her next few actions would cause one of the biggest movements in America. She was viewed as a strong, determined person and is considered to be the mother of the civil rights movement. Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who made the decision to not leave her seat on a bus when asked to do so, sparking the beginning of the civil rights movement. Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama to Leona Edwards and James McCauley. Her parents ended up separating, and her mother took the children with her and moved to Pine Level, Alabama. She was homeschooled until the age of eleven, but when she attended her first public school, she began to realize how much segregation influenced her everyday life. There were separate public restrooms, drinking fountains, education systems, and forms of transportation for the school children. In her later years, she worked as a seamstress and in 1943 she joined the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Parks was a member of the NAACP long before her famous action that sparked the Civil Rights Movement. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Determined Activist Rosa Parks" essay for you Create order She was later elected the secretary of this association. Where she lived, there were many rules regarding segregation, and how people of different races were treated. One example would be that On buses in Montgomery, Alabama (the city in which Rosa Parks lived), the first row of seats were reserved for whites only; while African-Americans, who paid the same ten cent rate as whites, were required to find seats in the back (Rosenberg). On December 1, 1955, Parks stood up for the idea of equality among all people, and refused her seat when the driver asked her to move, so a white person could have the convenience of being in a seat near the front of the bus. Parks left the Montgomery Fair department store and headed to the Court Square. She boarded the Cleveland Avenue bus. At the time of boarding, her mind was focused on something else, and sat down in the row directly behind the section reserved for white people only. During 1955, bus drivers were permitted to carry guns to enforce segregation laws, but with Parks incident, the driver waited outside of the bus until the police arrived. Most passengers got off of the bus, but Rosa Parks did not. She sat patiently inside the bus because she was willing to be arrested. However, it was not because she wanted to be involved in a lawsuit against the bus company, despite knowing the NAACP was looking for the right plaintiff to do so (Rosenberg). Rosa Parks was fine with being arrested so her actions could leave a larger impact on the idea that segregation is unfair within the rights that different races receive. After her arrest, she was photographed and fingerprinted. The news of her arrest quickly spread around the city. When the NAACP heard about Parks arrest, they called for a boycott of the Montgomery public bus. It was to be held on that following Monday. Parks was also asked to be the representative plaintiff in a lawsuit against the bus company, she agreed. Some individuals wondered why Parks did what she did. Many people believe she was too tired to get up, but Parks said that information is not true. She explains, I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me being old then. I was 42. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in (qtd. in Walker). After her arrest, the NAACP immediately organized a one-day boycott of the Montgomery buses, on Monday, December 5, to be held by all African Americans. Also on this day, Rosa Parks went to court as a representative for this boycott. She was found guilty within 30 minutes of her trial and was fined a small amount of money. The boycott was originally intended to be a one-day boycott but ended up being very popular amongst black citizens. The boycotts popularity led to a more expansive boycott of the buses by the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) that lasted 381 days and decimated the buses revenue, because about 75 percent of the people who rode buses were black (Walker). The boycott became larger and more successful than expected and became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The protest ended when bus segregation laws were ruled as unconstitutional. After the boycott, Parks moved to Virginia and Michigan. She was awarded the Spingarn Medal in 1979 by the NAACP. This award was given for a black persons achievement. Bill Clinton also awarded her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. After her death on October 24, 2005, the US House of Representatives allows Parks body to lie in honor inside the U.S. Capitol rotunda. She was the 31st person to be given this honor. Rosa Parks left a huge impact on society as the mother of the Civil Rights Movement. This impact was made due to her bravery of bringing racial issues into the open of everyones knowledge. Rosa Parks is still considered as one of the major symbols of the Civil Rights Movement, considering her actions initiated the movement in the United States. After her refusal of giving up her seat, she witnessed a legal movement to end segregation within the United States along with a rise of an African American upper class because of the open approach to looking for good education and occupations. Rosa Parks was a strong-willed, determined activist during the Civil Rights Movement who put a stop to many racial discriminations and opened up the world to the people of the African American culture. Rosa Parks believed in equality and she left behind a nation she loved, one that has made great strides in its young existence yet still struggles with the same dichotomies that marked her own life (Sanders). Her actions eliminated all legal segregation; however, the overall idea that one race is superior to another will never go away as evident that racism still exists today, but to a smaller extent.
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