Sunday, December 29, 2019
Disaster Management Of Risky Locations - 2404 Words
Disaster Management in Risky Locations Introduction Disasters such as tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, landslides, and terrorism pose major economic, social, and political concerns to people. However, it is astonishing that the areas disposed to such unexpected occurrences are liked and preferred by human beings for habitation purposes. These include coastal areas which floods when the amount of rainfall increase or are affected by tornadoes and tsunamis due to their proximity to the coast; mountainous areas which have the possibility of experiencing landslides; and overpopulated cities which are either poorly serviced with social amenities such garbage collection, or are targeted by terrorists for attacks. Other people stay in such places in order to be close to their families or because the lands on which they dwell is their ancestral land, which they would not wish to lose. Thus, the risks involved in such places are many and needs to be addressed before the tragedies strike (Haddow, Bullock Coppola, 2013). This paper seeks to crit ically discuss and analyze these trends of living in disaster prone areas, whether or not there are other ways of making the society safer and the possibility of people continuing to live and or work in these environments. Trends of Living in Disaster Prone Areas: The Difficulties in Breaking the Tendencies to Stay The connection which individuals have with the places they are accustomed to living or working, is strong and it becomesShow MoreRelatedA Second Stream Of Management Research On Terrorism1460 Words  | 6 PagesA second stream of management research on terrorism has explored firm readiness and the performance impact of such preparation. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Persuasive Speech On Breakfast - 1105 Words
Breakfast: Most Important Meal of the Day THESIS STATEMENT: Breakfast is an essential part of your morning routine because it kickstarts your metabolism, helps you concentrate and perform better in class, and aids in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. OVERALL PURPOSE: To persuade the audience that breakfast is part of a healthy lifestyle. INTRODUCTION ATTENTION GETTER: Imagine your alarm going off in the morning, and you hit the snooze button, you usually just lay there thinking about what you can get rid of from your morning routine just for those few extra minutes of sleep. Students our age and even most adults tend to eliminate the most important meal of the day...breakfast. However, skipping it may have a harsher impact on your†¦show more content†¦But besides just weight control, eating a healthy breakfast has many more benefits that I will now give you more details about. PREVIEW SENTENCE: I’m going to focus on: How breakfast can help improve the body’s metabolism How it can help you concentrate and perform well in class How breakfast can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle (TRANSITION: In the first portion of my speech, let’s take a look at how breakfast can help improve the body’s metabolism.) MAIN BODY Breakfast can improve the body’s metabolism. Just imagine this common scenario we’ve all probably been through. You’ve been trying to lose some weight for months, cutting out meals everyday including skipping breakfast, but the weighing scale just hasn’t budged one bit. Why? It’s because your body metabolism is going down instead of increasing. Staying hungry doesn’t make you lose weight, instead eating healthy makes that possible. Your body needs food at some point in the day as a source of energy, skipping breakfast only prolongs that need to unhealthy standards. Using junk food as a substitute for breakfast is what slows down your metabolism while adding those extra calories. It’s better to avoid eating late at night because your metabolism naturally slows down in the evening, so make sure to eat a hearty breakfast to keep it high throughout the day. ï » ¿ (TRANSITION: Now that we have seen how breakfast can help improve theShow MoreRelatedeating breakfast persuasive speech Essay898 Words  | 4 PagesEating a Good Breakfast Audience Analysis: At least half of the class skips breakfast 1-2 days a week. Therefore, I will not only focus on why breakfast is so important, and the positive results from eating breakfast, but also the negative effects from not eating breakfast in the morning. General Purpose: To persuade the audience. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that eating breakfast is important to good health. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Ideology and Rhetoric of Positive Accounting Theory
Question: Discuss about the Ideology and Rhetoric of Positive Accounting Theory. Answer: Introduction: The present report is focused on the critical evaluation of research study conducted by Paul V Dunmore. The topic of the study is Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research, and it is prepared for Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand. Considered study is based on detail description of human behaviour in accounting settings. Provided study will focus on main argument and its contribution to the subject matter. On the basis of evolution, Significance and Limitations of the Article will be explained. In the last part of the study, main points of critical evaluation will be summarised in order to conclude the critique. A research study conducted by Paul V Dunmore is focused on positive approach regarding accounting research. Positive accounting research is considered to be a significant part of intellectual projects which assists in understanding cause and effect relationships in the accounting world. This accounting approach is divergent with the aspects of normative accounting. For a better understanding of the subject, matter study includes a review of intellectual projects along with its epistemological and ontological assumptions. The study also includes ways of improvement in accounting practices for the promotion of better practices that can be followed by individuals. The primary argument in this research study regards need of better theoretical models in positive accounting. These models are required to be specific and viable to use. Further, this article highlights ad hoc quantitative models are the major reason for the inappropriate progress of positive accounting. It is because these me thods are restricted to a quantitative relationship between two variables. Considered study specifies significance of effective measures in present era through which testing of theoretical models can be done in a rigorous manner. In addition to this, policy makers are required to consider these aspects in order to develop a better relationship with existing accounting concepts. Another argument in this research study is regarding devolution in consideration away from the hypotheses testing to guesstimate of parameters. For this purpose, confidence intervals are required to be considered for making a comparison with theoretical forecasts or with other equivalent measurements of those parameters from other pertinent research studies. A study conducted by Paul V Dunmore shows that there is a requirement of data archives for a significant conceptual framework for the purpose of testing. It is essential because these aspects will assist in future theoretical advances. Furthermore, critical qualitative research is a crucial aspect as considering a single theory as unproblematic. Research questions The present study is based on an evaluation of positive accounting research, and associated research questions with this assignment are enumerated as below: S. no. Research questions 1 Factors required to be considered for development of successful positive research program? 1 What are the ways of analytical modelling? 2 Is it viable to focus on measurement instead of testing? 3 Determination of viability of replication in a research study? 4 Determination of gap between actual and desired positive accounting? Theoretical framework The article specifies that many scientists do not recognise the description of their actions or behaviour. According to Kuhn, the same is eliminated as limitations are provided by the objective world for the same. The main emphasis has been provided on the limitations relating to positive accounting research by providing details relating to the drawbacks of application of positive accounting due to which the same is not being applied in the case of specific and vulnerable theories. The main problem which has been emphasised is agency; i.e. if humans have free will that their actions would not have acquiescent for the purpose of scientific study. The concept of free will cannot be compared and equalised as the concept of the Cartesian dualism of mind and body, as it is not specified that free will can be applied except in dualistic framework (Watts and Zimmerman, 1986). The decision taken by the mind are not in correspondence with other theories or model available in the world. The ma in requirement for applying the framework is analysing the constraints of the research as the same has not been supported by the other areas of accounting research. The report evolves discussion relating to the significance of quantitative and qualitative data in accounting research. The manner in which both kinds of data have been applied by the scientist in the formation of preliminary data has been specified in the article. In case falsified result have been concluded after application of old models in assessing new theories than in that case new theories are applied for getting valid results. Careful observation is specified in case of the creative idea in comparison to other ideas (Fogarty and Markarian, 2007). It is because; it has been observed many times that falsifications are inoperable in many of assumptions. Appropriate tools have been regarded as the basic necessity for concluding a successful research. It is also necessary that model must not be affected by the different environment factors relating to vulnerability. A few appropriate illustrations which have been presented in the article are: For assessing the significance and constraints of positive accounting research, it has to be reviewed with broadening intellectual project comprising ontological and epistemological assumptions. The value of relating literature makes efforts to infer from observed prices in comparison to the figures which have been applied by theorist in the decision for the development of the controlling system (Choi, Liu and Simunic, 2009). The fundamental theory of rational self-interested human behaviour is approximately eighty percent appropriate which concludes that it is not defensible in quantitative terms; however, it carries the rational human behaviour but considers exceptions as important. Positive science in terms of social science is only a century old and if the same is assessed in accounting matters than it is few decades. It has been observed that major obstacles have been faced in social science in comparison to physical sciences so one should not get impatient for the results (Wolk, Dodd and Rozycki, 2012). A variety of quantitative theories become more quantitative as they become mature such as Darwin's theory of evolution which has proven purely quantitative. However, a general mistake assumed by social science researchers that positive and quantitative researchers are same and continuing of the same assumption leads to issue such as understanding research as positive but qualitative (Chatfield and Vangermeersch, 2014). The study of Kuhn specifies that one cannot be part of the scientific community if he has not subscribed for the paradigm. The same can be understood with an example of a chess player, who is having his own rules cannot find another player who is ready to play by his rules. Normal sciences have been specified as a disciplinary area which is a combination of beliefs, attitude and policies so that the theorist applies the same in their researches for resolving a variety of problems. Kuhn argues that in case the old model could not support the theory of normal science and develops in the form of revolutionary cases than the same is replaced. The main variants which have been applied in normative science can be analysed with the assistance of normal science (Ardill, 2015). The social system makes efforts for assessing questions relating to human behaviour and assist in resolving the same through fewer efforts. It has been analysed that stability does not exist in doubt, but the same does not resemble the new system. Thus it is not necessary for the same to remain in correspondence with new system address for including longer period stem in existing formulated human behaviour context of accounting. The theory of positive accounting remains concerned with testing and developing theories. The significance of literature theory is important for evaluating figures which have been used for taking appropriate decisions. The primary model of balanced self-focus human behaviour is also emphasised on assessing the same (Whitley, 1988). The performance of theory is also evaluated on the basis of the pre-assumed human act in some of the models. Research which is aimed at analysing the reasoning of specific accounting phenomenon, in the case of non-rational aspects of human psychology, can be specified as positive accounting research. Several examples are not detailed when analysed as a whole, but an attempt has been made to explain entire research program on a broader scale in comparison to accounting model. Positive accounting is majorly emphasised on developing and analysing theories (Watts and Zimmerman, 2003). Therefore, those models which are related to researches of testing models have also been specified in the article. Normal science has been specified as a disciplinary area which is adopted by the members of a group for assessing solution of various results. The discussion of qualitative and quantitative data have been explained in detail so that appropriate application of same can be made by researcher and developers of the model. Significance and Constraint As Paul V Dunmore through its research article has served a valuable contribution to a deeper understanding of the human behaviour for further studies. The current research paper shall help in conducting future research by the policy makers to better enhance their theories by working onto the weaknesses involved in the model of positive accounting. Moreover, there is a substantial aspect of limitation in the analysis part also. The current practices work on the key outputs that comprise of the statistically meaningful coefficients though the interpretation could not be drawn in full to connect the suspected measures which are not in consistency with the stated theories and sample and which arent tested and whose application is assumed rather than validating it. The accounting research is able to extend a better understanding of its environment and causes that are related to studying of human behaviour. The analysis of Whitley, 1988 reports that the models and tools being used in conducting the analysis must be in tune with the objective of study which otherwise would have adversely drawn an impact on the consistency of study as a matter of shortcomings within the qualitative researches and hypothesis tests. Further, it can be seen that the system may not add to the current knowledge if accounting researchers do not refer the sa me. Since the concept of positive research theory has been very narrow, the study by Paul V Dunmore help in drawing a well-established base of learning for the readers. Though the benefits and constraints are briefed out in the article but the same is not clear from the perspective of the readers. The issues recognised in study affect the validness of research because this can hinder in considering the article for future research. The theoretical conclusion stated by Paul V Dunmore in the research analysis is feasible as it is held proper through evidence, justification and past studies. Thus, it can be seen that the report demonstrates a broader concept of a positive accounting research. Conclusion The current literature assessment showcase that in this article there is a wide difference between how the current positive research accounting is practised and what shall be needed for conducting the research. The study shows in clear terms that development of stringent theories is not an easy job. Most of the already existing theories are likely to fail when tested its authenticity. The current article is presumed to serve the policy makers with the base to enhance its theories by using data and working on developing the cons currently subsisting in positive accounting. The article presented is free from any encumbrances and stated in clear as well as concise manner. The research questions are answered in detail covering all the major valid points and also supported by authentic findings. Moreover the current article a key requisite is made for an extensive repetition to deliver an acceptable conclusion from the provided hypothesis testing. With this aspect there is a valid confirmation of the accuracy of measurement that is done in the article and the researcher can explore limitation of the research finding in the study. References Ardill, A.W., 2015. The Ideology and rhetoric of positive accounting theory. Chatfield, M. and Vangermeersch, R., 2014. The history of accounting (RLE accounting): an international encylopedia. Routledge. Choi, J.-H., Kim, J.-B., Liu, X., Simunic, D. A., 2009. Cross-listing audit fee premiums: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review 84 (5), 14291463. Dunmore, V. P., 2009. Half a Defense of Positive Accounting Research. Massey University. Fogarty, T. J., Markarian, G., 2007. An empirical assessment of the rise and fall of accounting as an academic discipline.Issues in Accounting Education, 22 (2), 137161. Watts, R. and Zimmerman, J., 1986. Positive accounting theory. Prentice Hall. Watts, R.L. and Zimmerman, J.L., 2003. Positive accounting theory: A ten year perspective. Whitley, R.D., 1988. The possibility and utility of positive accounting theory. Accounting, organizations and Society, 13(6), pp.631-645. Wolk, I. H., Dodd, L. J. and Rozycki, J. J., 2012. Accounting Theory: Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment. SAGE.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Abortion Case of Deb-Free-Samples for Students -Myassignmenthelp
Question: Do you Think It Was Morally Permissible For Deb to Obtain an Abortion? Answer: An overview of the Abortion case of Deb, I will argue that the choice of abortion opted by Deb was neither wrong (not unethical) nor immoral. I agree with Patricks assessment, that the abortion was permissible morally, even considering that Debs fetus had a right to live. Some consider abortion to be always wrong, taking into account the sentience of the fetus. Some consider abortion to be right only when the pregnancy is a life risk for the mother. Others consider that abortion can be the right thing to do, under a wide set of circumstances. Based on such differences in philosophy, two distinct movements have come into being, namely Pro-Life that supports the right to life for the fetus (based on the catholic opposition to abortion or contraception), and suggests that pregnancies by completed to the term (Williams, 2016). The pro-right movement, on the other hand supports the right to choice of the mothers to terminate pregnancy owing to circumstances that supports abortion. Each of these movements has a significant influence of the public opinion with certain acts of violence also shown by anti-abortion activists (Winter, 2014). The most common arguments against abortion includes: Discrimination against the fetus, deprivation of rights to the fetus, uncertainty to the reasons of abortion, religious ideologies, public option, and the breast cancer hypothesis. Most of the opposition towards abortion is based on certain premises, such as, it is wrong to kill an innocent human, fetus is an innocent human, and therefore it is wrong to kill a fetus. However, such premise raises questions like, if it is always right or always wrong to kill an innocent human life; if the fetus can really be considered innocent, in circumstances where it can adversely affect the mothers life, health or the social well being; and if there is any clear distinction between the acts of killing (the fetus) or letting die (the mother) in situations when the pregnancy can be fatal to the mother (Vaughn, 2015). The argument of discrimination of fetus are based on the premises that fetuses have a right to live, and abortion violates that right, and hence does not value human right, as it assigns differential values to the fetus based on characteristics like the levels of psychological or physical development (Bharadwaj Lakdawala, 2013). The argument thus concludes that abortion as an act of unjust discrimination against the fetus. The Argument of Deprivation is based on the premise that abortion deprives the fetus of its future, and hence on the same moral landscape as killing an adult human being (thus depriving that person of his/her future). Both of these arguments revolve around the idea of personhood of the fetus, considering it, nothing less than a sentient human being (Agostinone-Wilson, 2014). The Uncertainty Argument proposes that if there exists any uncertainty regarding the right to life for the fetus, then having an abortion is the same as taking the risk of murdering someone, a nd hence immoral and reckless act, and can be put in the same moral standards as manslaughter or criminal negligence. Also, different religion has differential views about abortion, for example, the catholic church considers that human life starts at the conception, and therefore has a right to live, and abortion is immoral hence, except when the pregnancy can be fatal to the mother. Similarly, the Muslims consider Abortion as a forbidden act, and should not be undertaken, especially in fear of poverty (Maguire, 2016). In addition, certain proponents against abortion also claim that abortion can increase the chances of breast cancer, and hence should be avoided. In the following paragraphs, I shall try to elucidate my arguments against the propositions made against abortions. The first objection I would propose would be against the concept of assigning personhood to a fetus. Even though a fetus is biologically and genetically a human being, it still might not be considered as a sentient being due to the lack of its consciousness. Since consciousness is a function of the mental and cognitive architecture that depends upon the development of the nervous system, a fetus with an undeveloped nervous system cannot be considered a human, any more than an egg is called a chicken. Moreover, a lack of brain wave/ brain function suggests the lack of self awareness (a central human cognition), and hence not at the same platform as an adult human being (Lagercrantz, 2014). However, by the end of the 6th and 7th week, the fetus develops, at which state; the fetus is a little more than a vegetative state, showing the basic attributes of life. The ability to feel pain, however does not develop before the 24th week, and thus undermines the stance of inhumane treatment of fetuses during abortion. It can even be argued that since the concept of pain requires precognition, knowledge as well as conceptual organization that cannot be applicable to the fetus, we cannot consider them to feel pain (Derbyshire, 2015). Considerable argument also exists to demarcate the exact time when a fetus can be considered a person. Several proponents suggest that it happens from conception (soul entering the fetus), others considers the point when consciousness develop. On a biological scale, the idea that a single cellular zygote is a living entity is not doubted, but assigning that entity the values and importance of an adult human being can still be challenged, based on the knowledge, that the zygote lacks the biological and morphological structures and complexities of a human being. Hence it can be proposed that human rights should be assigned as per social recognition instead of the innate qualities possessed by humans (Hann, 2016). The second objection would be against abortion being discriminating against the fetus. Since the fetus lack the characteristics (or shows only some of them) that can qualify them as a person, having right to live, and hence detaching the personhood status of the fetus. Criticism has been made on this premise with the examples of human infants and patients in a comatose or a brain dead state, drawing similarities in the lack of person like characteristics in them. However, it must be noted that both comatose patients and infants shows the presence of brain waves, and can retain their mental state, and hence is different from a fetus. Also, it must be noted that a comatose or brain dead patient once had the required mental faculties of a person that was lost in due course, unlike that of a fetus (Michael, 2014). Also, assigning a fetus the right to live, based solely on genetic identity would also mean the consideration of brain-dead or comatose patients, or anencephalic infants having the same rights. The third argument against abortion is the argument of deprivation of future to the fetus, based on the assumption that all fetuses will become a human will normal sentience, and cognitive abilities, and abortion deprives the fetus of that right. This can also be debated on the ground whether a fetus can have the same identity as an adult human being, based on the arguments given before. Since a fetus have much less psychological connections (like memories, desires, beliefs, and likes) than an adult being, it is a differentiating character between the two, and hence the fetus does not have the same future as ours. Based on these premise it can be drawn that depriving a fetus of its future is not the same as depriving an adult of his/her future. The next argument I would like to propose would be against the uncertainty argument. Since the uncertainty argument provides a benefit of doubt (in assigning the right to live) to the fetus, the same can also be applied to non human animals, since their right to live cannot be disregarded with absolute certainty either (Sepielli, 2016). The last argument, I would propose is the one regarding the possibility of breast cancer due to abortion. This idea goes against the known medical understanding, and is based on the idea that abortion disrupts the development of the breast due to an abrupt lowering of prolactin hormone in blood. The hypothesis was made in the 1980s, based on studies on lad rats. However, so similar studies were conducted on humans, and hence the credibility of such hypothesis is yet to be ascertained (Ban Godellas, 2014). On a retrospective view, it must also be acknowledged that the propositions made above, can be predisposed towards biasness towards either the welfare of the mother or that of the fetus. This can be a slippery slope of ethical dilemmas, since the right to live for both the mother and the fetus should be considered, and still importance needs to be assigned to either one of it (Volokh, 2013). One of the objections I have found in my stance for abortion mainly revolves around the providence of the right to live for the fetus, and under what circumstances can that right be superseded by the mothers right to choose. As shown in the case of Deb, Patrick showed support for abortion, based on the clinical finding that Debs unborn child can have lifelong mental handicap, thereby greatly inhibiting a normal life for both the child and the parents. On such a scenario, abortion was not only ethical, but also can be considered merciful, to not allow the unborn child to live a life or misery. Sim ilarly, an ethical conundrum arises when we consider a case of pregnancy which is fatal for the mother and if abortion be shunned (thereby letting the mother die) or be done (thereby killing the fetus), or while considering pregnancy cases due to rape (thereby inciting the right of the mother to chose against the pregnancy). In such circumstances, I would propose considering the following considerations: A fetus is not the same (psychologically and cognitively) as an adult and so does not have the same rights to live, a fetus needs to develop within the body of the mother (which can be metabolically and physiologically burdensome, and makes them vulnerable) and hence a risk factor to health; the mother has a right to live (like the fetus), and also a right to chose what happens with her body (even if it means opting for abortion), a parent also have the right to chose (abortion) if the birth of the child poses significant economic and/or psychological burden for them (Gaillard et al., 2013). Another objection that I have identified in my stance is the risk of developing a moral certainty on either side of the debate (Carey, 2017). A moral certainty that abortion can be permissible, can lead to an unnecessary termination, and therefore violate the right of the unborn, whereas a moral certainty about the immorality of abortion can put the mothers life in peril. In such circumstances, action must be taken only when there is maximum confidence in the view. Also, if we consider a woman to have the right to choose consciously if she wants to be a mother, denying the right to abort the fetus violates that right to choose, and can be an instrument of female oppression and sexual inequality (Fletcher, 2014). It can hence be concluded that the ethics and morals of abortion is not a black and white scenario, involving a lot of gray areas like the rights of the mother and the fetus being juxtaposed, and the core attributes of a sentient being (and at what stage a fetus becomes a sentient being). 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